
Leu Baby Update: Week 13

1 week left in the 1st trimester! That is amazing! Sometimes I still don't feel like I'm pregnant, although I've had major morning sickness (or all day sickness, as I call it) , I'm constantly tired and I can't stand the sight or smell of meat! Maybe it's because I'm still not showing and I haven't felt the movement of the baby yet. Once those thing start to happen, it will feel more real. Reality or not, I am completely thrilled about this baby! This week's baby stats are as follows:

Length: 3 inches
Weight: 1 ounce
Size: An egg
Major Development: Baby now has ears developed enough to hear mommy talk, sing or hum. The baby will develop his/her vocal cords this week as well, so baby may be able to talk back to mommy soon.

Every week it amazes me how quickly this baby is growing! It is truly an incredible experience! And, I have to say that my husband has been the greatest through all of this. I have been unable to do my normal tasks around the house (cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes), and Giff has stepped in and done it all! He has always helped me with those things in the past, but he has had to completely take them over the past 6 weeks. I have felt so bad, but he keeps telling me that he doesn't mind and he forces me to sit down and rest. I love him so much!


Leu Baby Update: Week 12

I am 12 weeks pregnant today! The 1st trimester is almost over! Whoo hoo! I am so ready for the nausea and sleepiness to be gone. Hopefully within the next week or so, I will be feeling much better! Here are the baby’s stats for this week:

Length: 2.5 inches
Weight: ½ ounce
Size: A lime

I found out at my appointment last week that we will find out the sex of the baby in October. My birthday is October 20th, and what a great birthday gift that will be! :)

I stole the baby update idea from Chrissy.....hope you don't mind Chrissy! :)


Long wait...but good news!

So, I finally heard back from my doctor. She said that she did test my blood for the Rh positive antibodies, and they found absolutely none! Which means, all I have to do is have my 2 injections during this pregnancy and all my future pregnancies, as well as this baby are safe! What a relief!

Now, it's time to let the stress go and really start enjoying this pregnancy! :)


Learning that I'm Rh Negative

So, I start off my very first blog with some interesting news....

I am Rh negative.

What is that you say? Rh negative means that I do not have a specific type of protein on the surface of my red blood cells.

What is the significance? Being Rh negative does not harm me in any sort of way. But, because I am pregnant, it is a big deal. Most people are Rh positive, and my husband is Rh positive. Therefore, our baby most likely is as well. If my blood mixes with my baby's blood, my body will begin developing andibodies against my baby's blood, looking at it as a foreign invador. Once this occurs, a woman is said to be sensitized, and all future pregnancies are at risk. Unless, the Rhogan injection is given to the pregnant mother around the 28th week of pregnancy and within 72 hours of giving birth. This injection prevents the mother from being sensitized or making the antibodies. If the injection is not administered, the woman would continue making these antibodies and her next pregnancy could be a problem. Some babies that are born to sensitized mothers just have jaundice or anemia. But, in other cases, the babies are born with heart failure or mental retardation. Hence, this injection is imperative for pregnant Rh negative woman to receive if they want future, healthy pregnancies.

Why is this a concern for me? I have had a miscarriage before. The doctor I had at the time never told me that I was Rh negative, and also never gave me the Rhogan injection. Everything I have read about being Rh negative says that even after miscarriage, an Rh negative woman should always be given the Rhogan injection. Meaning I could have developed the antibodies that could harm the baby I am carrying now. This is very much a concern for me.

What am I doing about it? I've called my current doctor to ask her if she tested my blood for the antibodies. If she did, and everything turned out okay, then we're in the clear. If she didn't test for it, then I will have to wait until they test my blood again to find out. I'm praying that I haven't built up any antibodies, so I know that this pregnancy is safe. I will go on to receive the injection at 28 weeks and after I give birth, therefore protecting my future pregnancies.

I feel angry that my last doctor did not do what she was supposed to. If she had given me the injection, I would not be worrying like I am now. She completely dropped the ball. But, I have faith, and my gut is telling me that everything will be fine. I will update once I have heard back from my doctor...