
The 2nd love of my life: Christian Taylor Leu!

Giff and I welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Christian, into the world 12 days ago! He is so perfect, and truly a blessing!
Christian Taylor Leu
March 11th, 2009
7 pounds
19 1/2 inches

He just had his foot prints done :)
The new Leu family!

Giff with his baby boy!

Christian with Mimi

Christian with Aunt Stefanie

Christian with Uncle Josh

Christian with Uncle Nathan

Christian with Uncle Greg

The birth of this little boy turned out way different than what I had prepared for and imagined! I keep learning that God is in control, not me. So, let me share the birth story of Christian.

Monday, March 9th (5 days after my due date), I had an appointment with my midwives to determine if I had made any progress over the weekend. I had been walking, stretching and praying that Christian would come on his own. But, I found out that my cervix was still only 1cm dilated and was 70% effaced. Bummer! So, my midwife, Deborah, discussed with me the possibility of induction- which was the last thing I wanted! But, after listening to Debbie, and hearing what she had to say, it made sense for me to at least consider it. After talking it over with Giff, we decided that I would go in for the induction.

So, Tuesday morning, March 10th, Giff and I woke up, packed our bags and loaded them into the car and made our way down to the medical center. Dawn, one of my midwives, was on call, and she inserted a medicine called Prepadil into my cervix to get it ready for the induction the following day. I was only supposed to be in the hospital for a few hours that day, then I would be able to go home. But, almost immediately, I started having contractions. They were very uncomfortable, and were coming almost every minute. After a while, Dawn came to check on me and she told me that she had never seen a first time mom react that way to the Prepadil. So, after sending me to the cafeteria to get some food and a drink to see if that would calm the contractions down, she decided it was best if I stay the night at the hospital. She didn't feel comfortable letting me go home when I was having that many contractions. So, I was transferred to my own room, where I got in the bathtub for a while. I aimed the jets at my back which was killing me with every contraction! After about an hour in the tub, I got back in bed, and Giff continued to massage my lower back. He was so great during all of this! He was totally at my beck and call the whole time! At this point, my Mom, my sister and one of my brothers came up to the hospital to keep Giff and I company. I continued contracting every minute until about 9pm Tuesday evening. Dawn chose to give me some Morphine that evening so that I could get a good night's sleep and have plenty of energy for the next day (birth day). The Morphine was amazing and I slept so well that night in the hospital!

Wednesday, March 11th, I was awakened by a nurse, who told me that she was going to go ahead and start some Pitocin in my IV to get my labor going. Once again, I started contracting right away, with the contractions being only one minute apart. Not again! It was absolutely horrible! I never had any relief between the contractions, so it made them completely unbearable. Debbie, was now the on call midwife. She kept coming in every now and then and checking me. 2cm, 3cm......then finally 4cm. To try to rid my back labor, I sat on a birthing ball for a while and also got in the hands and knees position. I had learned in my birthing class that back labor is caused by your baby being in the wrong position. Christian was facing up or facing my stomach, rather than facing my back. So, the back of his head was pressing on my spine causing the back labor. So, I tried the different positions I learned in class to try to get the baby to turn over, therefore relieving my back labor. But, no such luck! This baby was not moving! Around 6pm, Debbie came in and checked me again, and I was still at 4cm. At that point, I felt like I was never going to get to 10cm! I had already been contracting for 2 days! So, I made the decision to get an Epidural. This was the last thing I wanted, but after having no relief for almost 2 days, I just couldn't take it anymore. My midwife agreed that an Epidural was the best decision. She said it may relax my uterus some, so that I could get into a better labor pattern. She said the contractions I was having were not effective, since they were so close together. So, I received the Epidural, and I tried to rest for a little while. After about 2 hours, Debbie came back in to check on me. My contractions were still occurring every minute, so the Epidural didn't help. I was also still at 4 cm. Debbie then hit me with the C word......c-section. She said she felt that after all this time, I should be further along and she thought the best thing to do would be to have a c-section. She felt there was something preventing the baby from moving into the birth canal. I was truly stunned! A c-section had never even entered my mind! This is not what Giff and I had prepared for at all this time! How could this be my only option?

After giving it some thought and talking it over with Giff and my family, we thought it was best to listen to the advice of my midwife. I knew that she would not steer me in the wrong direction. She knew what kind of labor I wanted and had planned for. So, the decision was made. C-section it is!

As soon as we had made the decision to go with a c-section, a whirlwind of things started happening so fast! They were kicking my family out of the room, the nurses were preparing me for surgery, and Giff was getting into his scrubs. Before I knew it, I was on the operating table awaiting the arrival of my baby.

In the operating room, the anesthesiologist gave me more medicine to completely numb me from the waist down. It made me feel so queasy. I barely got the words out, "I think I'm gonna throw up," before I began throwing up everywhere. It was not pleasant, but the doctor immediately gave me a shot to knock out the nausea.

Shortly after that, Giff joined me in the operating room. I was shaking uncontrollably, and Giff held my hand. It felt like 30 seconds passed and the doctor said, "We're down to your uterus." Wow! That was fast! And, not one minute later, Giff and I heard the cry of our baby for the first time. It was incredible! I turned to Giff and said' "This is so surreal!" And he agreed. The doctors then told us that Christian had the cord wrapped around his neck once, and his body twice! No wonder he never moved into the birth canal! My midwife also told me that it could have been very dangerous for him to have been born vaginally with the cord wrapped around him the way it was. God was just protecting our baby by not allowing him to dilate me. What a miracle!

They took Christian to the warmer and the nurses began cleaning him off and checking his vital signs. I told Giff that I would be fine and to go take some pictures. At about that time, I heard the doctors saying how tired my uterus was, and that I was bleeding out a lot. Their voices started sounding stressed and I began to get scared myself. Giff came back to my side, as I know he also overheard the doctors and he began to worry about me. Next thing I knew, Debbie brought Christian over to me. She asked me if I wanted to try breastfeeding. What? On the operating table? Why not! So, she placed Christian on my chest, and he began breastfeeding right there while the doctors were still sewing me up! Amazing! Christian instantly latched on! I think Debbie did that to take my mid off of what was going on with me. And, it worked! It took the doctors a long time to get the bleeding under control. But, thankfully they did and the surgery was a success.

I will never forget this day as long as I live! It may not have gone according to plan, but Giff and I have our precious little boy, and he is healthy and beautiful, and that's all that matters! :)


Project Letters: done!

Here is a look at the completed letters my sis and I did for Christian's room. I think they turned out great!

Now we need to get some of our maternity pictures framed and hung. And once Christian gets here, we will frame some newborn pics of him and place those throughout his room as well. Then his room should be complete! Finally! :)

Christian's "Crib"

I wanted to post some pics of the nursery, although it's not completely done. It's still a little bare, but we will be adding photos (maternity & newborn) and cute, painted letters to the walls fairly soon. We also plan on adding a book shelf, but that will have to wait until we have everything else that we absolutely need. At least you can get an idea of how his "crib" is shaping up!

I love this door hanger!

Here is his crib with the adorable Pottery Barn Kids bedding!

A frame that matches the door hanger! Can't wait to have a picture of Christian in there!

View of the wall opposite to his crib, which includes the dresser/changing table and rocker.

This bulletin board was made by one of my co-workers- too cute!

Giff spray painted these letters a light blue, and now my sis and I are working on decorating them. Eventually, they will hang above his crib. We're hoping to get them done and hung this weekend! I will post pics of the letters as soon as they are complete!


One year ago today....

I was marrying the man God chose and created for me; the man that cares for me, loves me and adores me like no one ever has, the man that completes me, my other half, my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, my companion, my everything.

This past year of marriage has not been easy. But through it all, Giff & I have become even closer. We have learned that we have to rely on one another and we really need each other. I love him more today than I did a year ago when I walked down the aisle, even more than I did yesterday. We are such a good team and we compliment each other so well. His strengths are my weaknesses and his weaknesses are my strengths. God knew what he was doing!

Here are some pictures from our wedding day, February 23rd, 2008:


I will always look back on this day with fond memories. It is a day I will never forget! It was the start of our life together, and the day we promised ourselves to each other forever. I love you more than I can put into words! Now, let's start our next journey together: becoming parents!

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

Forever Yours,
aka: Andi


Valentine's Day

This is the gorgeous ring my sweet, thoughtful and loving husband has been saving up for since our wedding last February! It's more of an anniversary gift, but he wanted to make sure I got something on Valentine's Day as well. (Our anniversary is one week from today!) What I love more than the ring is the amount of thought and time he put into this gift. He didn't wait until a couple of days before our anniversary to start thinking about what he was going to get me. Instead, he has had this planned all year. I am so lucky to have him in my life and I love him so much! What a great Valentine's Day!


Updated Baby Prep "Bucket List"

Since this lil' man is almost here, I thought I would update the progress of my baby bucket list.

1. Find a new place to live that actually has room for baby. *Done! We move this weekend!
2. Buy baby bedding at Pottery Barn. *Done!
3. Get glider/rocker re-upholstered- My sis was babysitting this past Saturday for a family that was having a garage sale and they were selling a glider/rocker that they no longer use. So, Stef called me to see if I wanted it. For $75, I'll take it! It's in great condition, but the fabric is white and that scares me with a new baby. So, I'm going to get it re-upholstered in brown fabric to match Christian's bedding. *Done!
4. Keep paying on the baby furniture and pay it off in January. *We are still paying on the furniture. Hopefully we can pay it off in another week or two.
5. Pick up baby furniture. *This will be done as soon as we pay it off!
6. Take birthing classes- my classes start at the very beginning of January. Can't wait! *Done! We had our last class this past Monday. I'm sad that it's over :(
7. Buy accessories for baby's room- lamp, wall mounted letters, model cars, wall art, etc... *We have a new lamp and lamp shade and the model cars....still working on the wall letters and other art work.
8. Find a pediatrician. *I have narrowed it down to 2. Now I just need to make the final decision.
9. Take maternity pictures. *Done! We took our pictures at Studio Ainsley this past weekend, and it was so much fun! I can't wait to see how they turned out!
10. Plan a weekend get-away with hubby for some relaxation. *Unfortunately, this is not going to happen. We are just too busy and have so many other expenses to worry about. But, maybe after Christian gets here, we can take a small get-away. (I'm sure my sister or my Mom would love to babysit!)
11. Prepare our dog, Hitch, for the arrival of baby. (I'm still not quite sure how we are going to accomplish this?!) *This is no longer necessary since Hitch is no longer with us :(
12. Move. *We're moving this weekend! Yay! Can't wait to get settled in and set up Christian's room!
13. Prepare nursery ASAP so it's ready when Christian decides to make his entrance! *We will be working on this for the next few weeks.
14. Organize our new place and hopefully feel somewhat settled in before baby. *We will be working on this for the next few weeks also. I am very organized, so I don't think it will take us too long to get settled in!
Other things I am working on...
*Packing my bag for the hospital
*Washing all of the baby clothes, blankets and bedding
*Attending one more baby shower, which is next weekend. Then, I will have a ton of other stuff to get organized. But, I'm not complaining! Anything for my baby is welcomed!
*Practicing my labor positions and breathing techniques
*Doing my squats and lunges to get the baby in the best position for birth
*Trying to rest when I can and sleeping as much as possible (I really need to work on this, but with everything going on, it has been tough!)
*Finally got my maternity leave worked out! I work through the end of February, and then my leave will start. That's if Christian waits that long to come!

Other than that, I am trying to remain patient. I am really starting to get uncomfortable at times and I get pooped out fairly easy, so I am ready to have this baby!


Burdens & Blessings

Giff and I have had a lot going on in our lives this past month. Some good, some bad. I feel like God is really trying to teach me something right now with all the trials and tribulations we have been faced with. Let me explain....

First, Giff lost his job right before Christmas. It was a job he truly enjoyed and loved, but the company went bankrupt. So, he has been earnestly looking for another job that will fit our needs, and anyone who understands the job market right now, knows how tough this has been on him. There is a job in the works for him right now that he is very much looking forward to. So, I pray that it works out!

Second, our lease is up on our townhouse in mid February. Which means, in the next few weeks, we have to move. This has been particularly difficult, because we need Giff to be able to show proof of income on a new leasing contract. We have spent endless weekends looking for a new apartment, with 2 bedrooms I might add, and have seen only a couple that we are interested in. Once Giff has a job nailed down, we will immediately sign a new lease, but until then, we are stuck.

Third, I am 8 months pregnant with our first baby. That, in itself, is stressful. But, with job and money issues and trying to find a new place to live, has just added to the stress level.

And, last but not least, our dog, Hitch, had to be put down this past Tuesday. He became very sick with parvo, and there was nothing we could do. Hitch was only 9 months old. This has been a rough week.

This picture is of Hitch when we first got him at 6 weeks old. He was so cute. We will miss him.

But, through all of these things, there have been many blessings...

-God has continued to provide for Giff and I in many different ways. We somehow have kept up with all of our bills, including the hospital and doctor bills for this baby. We have always had plenty of food at our house. Family and friends have given us so many great things for our new baby.

-We have started attending a new church that we really love and hope to get involved in.

-The birthing class we are taking has been such a fantastic reminder of what God's role should be in our lives. It has helped me focus on what we do have, and be thankful for it. It has also helped remind me that God will not leave our side and he is in control.

-Baby Christian is doing awesome! My midwives confirmed that he is in a head down position! He is very active and I got to see him sucking his thumb at my ultrasound on Wednesday! It was the sweetest thing!

-I had a baby shower at work this past week, and got so many things I needed for baby Christian! It was a great time and I thank God so much for providing these things to us. Honestly, I didn't know how we were going to afford to get everything we needed before Christian's arrival. But, I feel like we have almost all of the necessities. I also have another baby shower coming up in February. =)

Here are a few pics from the shower:

Life can be so challenging at times, but I realize how much I really do have. I have the love of awonderful man! It seems these hard times just bring us closer. I have this beautiful baby boy growing inside me! And, I can't wait to meet him for the first time! I have a family who is always there for me, and is willing to help in whatever way they can. What more can you really ask for?

I heard a song on ksbj this morning that always keeps me going through stressful times. The song is "I Will Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns.

"I will praise you in this storm,
and I will lift my hands.
You are who you are,
no matter where I am.
And, every tear I've cried,
you hold in your hand.
You've never left my side.
And though my heart is torn,
I will praise you in this storm."
I will keep singing this song over and over again until this storm has passed....